Rag Traders




Top 5: Brunch

A V O C A D O  O N  T O A S T 

Ciabatta / Rye Bread, mash 1 Avocado and spread, sprinkle with chilli flakes.

    P R O T E I N  P A N C A K E S 
1 Egg, 1 Egg white, 1 scoop of protein powder (I use diet whey cookies and cream), 2 tablespoons of milk (any), 1/2 teaspoon of Baking powder, 1 cup of oats - blend in Nutribullet, heat some coconut oil in a pan and pour in your mix.
Topping Ideas: Handful of blueberries and a scoop of greek yogurt, Agave syrup and chopped banana, Greek yogurt, crushed raspberries and desiccated coconut flakes.

    G R E E N  S M O O T H I E 
1 frozen banana, a handful of spinach, 1/2 teaspoon of spirulina, 1 teaspoon of bilberry powder, a sprinkle of flaxseeds, 1 scoop of protein powder, 250ml Unsweetned Almond Milk, x2 ice cubes - blend in Nutribullet - voila!

    E G G S  B E N E D I C T 
Ciabatta or Rye Bread, Spinach, Bacon / Smoked Salmon / Ham of your choice, 2 poached eggs, and finish with a sprinkle of black pepper or balsamic vinegar.

    S M O O T H I E  B O W L 
1 frozen banana, 1 cup of frozen raspberries, 1/2 of a beetroot, a sprinkle of flaxseeds, 1 scoop of protein powder, Unsweetned Almond Milk - enough to blend, Unsweetened coconut flakes x2 ice cubes - blend in Nutribullet. Layer some homemade toasted pecan coconut granola beneath, pour over your smoothie and sprinkle with your topping of choice.